Marching Cubes: From CUDA to SYCL

This Gist provides a walkthrough of the marching cubes algorithm implemented in CUDA. The code can be found in its entirety here (enter hyperlink later). We start by briefly reviewing how parallelization works in CUDA. We then take a look at some of the key kernels being used in a CUDA implementation of the marching cubes algorithm. Those CUDA kernels are then put through the SYCLomatic tool, a tool developed to aid in the porting of code from other languages to SYCL. We then clean up the output of the SYCLomatic tool into a final working version of SYCL kernels.

A Brief CUDA Reivew

CUDA enables parallelization by allowing the programmer to define a kernel that is executed by a large numberof threads concurrently. Each thread processes a small portion of the data, and the collective work of all threads achieves the overall computation. The combination of thread and block indices allows each thread to work on a unique subset of the data, thus ensuring that the entire dataset is processed in parallel. … more stuff about how cuda works

Kernels Being Used

List them here

CUDA vs SYCL Implementations

Classify Voxel Kernel - CUDA:

The classifyVoxel kernel classifies each voxel in a 3D grid based on the number of vertices it will generate. Let’s breakdown how it works:

__global__ void classifyVoxel(uint *voxelVerts, uint *voxelOccupied, uchar *volume, uint3 gridSize,
uint3 gridSizeShift, uint3 gridSizeMask, uint numVoxels, float3 voxelSize, float isoValue, cudaTextureObject_t numVertsTex, cudaTextureObject_t volumeTex) {
    // Calculate the unique index for this thread within the entire grid
    uint blockId = __mul24(blockIdx.y, gridDim.x) + blockIdx.x;
    uint i = __mul24(blockId, blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x;

    // Compute the position in the 3D grid
    uint3 gridPos = calcGridPos(i, gridSizeShift, gridSizeMask);

    //Read field values at the 8 neighboring grid vertices
    float field[8];
    field[0] = sampleVolume(volumeTex, volume, gridPos, gridSize);
    field[1] = sampleVolume(volumeTex, volume, gridPos + make_uint3(1, 0, 0), gridSize);
    field[2] = sampleVolume(volumeTex, volume, gridPos + make_uint3(1, 1, 0), gridSize);
    field[3] = sampleVolume(volumeTex, volume, gridPos + make_uint3(0, 1, 0), gridSize);
    field[4] = sampleVolume(volumeTex, volume, gridPos + make_uint3(0, 0, 1), gridSize);
    field[5] = sampleVolume(volumeTex, volume, gridPos + make_uint3(1, 0, 1), gridSize);
    field[6] = sampleVolume(volumeTex, volume, gridPos + make_uint3(1, 1, 1), gridSize);
    field[7] = sampleVolume(volumeTex, volume, gridPos + make_uint3(0, 1, 1), gridSize);

    // Calculate a falg indicating if each vertex is inside of outside the isosurface
    uint cubeindex = uint(field[0] < isoValue);
    cubeindex += uint(field[1] < isoValue) * 2;
    cubeindex += uint(field[2] < isoValue) * 4;
    cubeindex += uint(field[3] < isoValue) * 8;
    cubeindex += uint(field[4] < isoValue) * 16;
    cubeindex += uint(field[5] < isoValue) * 32;
    cubeindex += uint(field[6] < isoValue) * 64;
    cubeindex += uint(field[7] < isoValue) * 128;

    //Read the number of vertices from the texture
    uint numVerts = tex1Dfetch<uint>(numVertsTex, cubeindex);

    // If the voxel index is within bounds, store the number of vertices and occupancy
    if (i < numVoxels) {
        voxelVerts[i] = numVerts;
        voxelOccupied[i] = (numVerts > 0);

    // Print the results to verify the SYCL equivalent kernel produces the same results
    if (i < numVoxels) {
        printf("Voxel %u: numVerts=%u, occupied=%u\n", i, numVerts, voxelOccupied[i]);

The kernel starts by assigning each thread a uinque index i by calculating blockId and multiplying it by the number of threads per block. This index i corresponds to a specific voxel in the grid.

uint blockId = __mul24(blockIdx.y, gridDim.x) + blockIdx.x;
uint i = __mul24(blockId, blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x;

The 1D index i is then converted to a 3D grid position gridPos by using the calcGridPos function. This is needed for locating the voxel’s position in the 3D volume.

uint3 gridPos = calcGridPos(i, gridSizeShift, gridSizeMask);

The field values at the eight corners of the voxel are then sampled using the sampleVolume function, which accesses the volume data through the texture object volumeTex.

float field[8];
field[0] = sampleVolume(volumeTex, volume, gridPos, gridSize);
field[1] = sampleVolume(volumeTex, volume, gridPos + make_uint3(1, 0, 0), gridSize);
field[2] = sampleVolume(volumeTex, volume, gridPos + make_uint3(1, 1, 0), gridSize);
field[3] = sampleVolume(volumeTex, volume, gridPos + make_uint3(0, 1, 0), gridSize);
field[4] = sampleVolume(volumeTex, volume, gridPos + make_uint3(0, 0, 1), gridSize);
field[5] = sampleVolume(volumeTex, volume, gridPos + make_uint3(1, 0, 1), gridSize);
field[6] = sampleVolume(volumeTex, volume, gridPos + make_uint3(1, 1, 1), gridSize);
field[7] = sampleVolume(volumeTex, volume, gridPos + make_uint3(0, 1, 1), gridSize);

Each corner’s field value then needs to be compared to the isoValue. If if field value is less than the isoValue, the corresponding bit in cubeindex is set. The cubeindex thus forms a unique identifier representing the voxel’s classification.

uint cubeindex = uint(field[0] < isoValue);
cubeindex += uint(field[1] < isoValue) * 2;
cubeindex += uint(field[2] < isoValue) * 4;
cubeindex += uint(field[3] < isoValue) * 8;
cubeindex += uint(field[4] < isoValue) * 16;
cubeindex += uint(field[5] < isoValue) * 32;
cubeindex += uint(field[6] < isoValue) * 64;
cubeindex += uint(field[7] < isoValue) * 128;

The number of vertices for the given cubeindex is then fetched from the texure numVertsTex. This lookup is essential for determining how many vertices the voxel will generate.

uint numVerts = tex1Dfetch<uint>(numVertsTex, cubeindex);

Lastly, the voxel index i is checked to see if it within bounds. If it is, the numberof vertices and occupancy status are stored in voxelVerts and voxelOccupied arrays, respectively.

if (i < numVoxels) {
    voxelVerts[i] = numVerts;
    voxelOccupied[i] = (numVerts > 0);

We also print the voxel index, number of vertices, and occupancy status, as we will check this output against a SYCL equivalent kernel later.

Classify Voxel Kernel - SYCL

Below we can see the output of SYCLomatic when converting the above CUDA kernel to SYCL. While the tool gets the programmer very far in the porting process, you will see that it is not 100% porting solution, and some portions of the code need to be manually addressed.

void classifyVoxel(uint *voxelVerts, uint *voxelOccupied, uchar *volume, sycl::uint3 gridSize,
                   sycl::uint3 gridSizeShift, sycl::uint3 gridSizeMask, uint numVoxels,
                   sycl::float3 voxelSize, float isoValue,
                   dpct::image_accessor_ext<dpct_placeholder /* Fix this manually */, 1> numVertsTex,
                   dpct::image_accessor_ext<dpct_placeholder /* Fix this manually */, 1> volumeTex,
                   const sycl::nd_item<3> &item_ct1) {

    uint blockId = sycl::mul24((int)item_ct1.get_group(1), (int)item_ct1.get_group_range(2)) + item_ct1.get_group(2);

    uint i = sycl::mul24((int)blockId, (int)item_ct1.get_local_range(2)) + item_ct1.get_local_id(2);

    sycl::uint3 gridPos = calcGridPos(i, gridSizeShift, gridSizeMask);

    float field[8];
    field[0] = sampleVolume(volumeTex, volume, gridPos, gridSize);
    field[1] = sampleVolume(volumeTex, volume, gridPos + sycl::uint3(1, 0, 0), gridSize);
    field[2] = sampleVolume(volumeTex, volume, gridPos + sycl::uint3(1, 1, 0), gridSize);
    field[3] = sampleVolume(volumeTex, volume, gridPos + sycl::uint3(0, 1, 0), gridSize);
    field[4] = sampleVolume(volumeTex, volume, gridPos + sycl::uint3(0, 0, 1), gridSize);
    field[5] = sampleVolume(volumeTex, volume, gridPos + sycl::uint3(1, 0, 1), gridSize);
    field[6] = sampleVolume(volumeTex, volume, gridPos + sycl::uint3(1, 1, 1), gridSize);
    field[7] = sampleVolume(volumeTex, volume, gridPos + sycl::uint3(0, 1, 1), gridSize);

    uint cubeindex;
    cubeindex = uint(field[0] < isoValue);
    cubeindex += uint(field[1] < isoValue) * 2;
    cubeindex += uint(field[2] < isoValue) * 4;
    cubeindex += uint(field[3] < isoValue) * 8;
    cubeindex += uint(field[4] < isoValue) * 16;
    cubeindex += uint(field[5] < isoValue) * 32;
    cubeindex += uint(field[6] < isoValue) * 64;
    cubeindex += uint(field[7] < isoValue) * 128;

    uint numVerts = tex1Dfetch<uint>(numVertsTex, cubeindex);

    if (i < numVoxels) {
        voxelVerts[i] = numVerts;
        voxelOccupied[i] = (numVerts > 0);

    if (i < numVoxels) {
        printf("Voxel %u: numVerts=%u, occupied=%u\n", i, numVerts, voxelOccupied[i]);

extern "C" void launch_classifyVoxel(sycl::range<3> grid, sycl::range<3> threads, uint *voxelVerts,
                                     uint *voxelOccupied, uchar *volume, sycl::uint3 gridSize,
                                     sycl::uint3 gridSizeShift, sycl::uint3 gridSizeMask, uint numVoxels,
                                     sycl::float3 voxelSize, float isoValue) {

    dpct::get_in_order_queue().submit([&](sycl::handler &cgh) {
        auto numVertsTex_acc = static_cast<dpct::image_wrapper<
            dpct_placeholder /* Fix this manually */, 1> *>(numVertsTex) -> get_access(cgh);
        auto volumeTex_acc = static_cast<dpct::image_wrapper<
            dpct_placeholder /* Fix this manually */, 1> *>(volumeTex) -> get_access(cgh);

        auto numVertsTex_smpl = numVertsTex -> get_sampler();
        auto volumeTex_smplt = volumeTex -> get_sampler();

        cgh.parallel_for(sycl::nd_range<3>(grid * threads, threads), [=](sycl::nd_item<3> item_ct1) {
                voxelVerts, voxelOccupied, volume, gridSize, gridSizeShift,
                gridSizeMask, numVoxels, voxelSize, isoValue,
                dpct::image_accessor_ext<dpct_placeholder /* Fix this manually */, 1>(
                    numVertsTex_smpl, numVertsTex_acc),
                dpct::image_accessor_ext<dpct_placeholder /* Fix this manually */, 1>(
                    volumeTex_smpl, volumeTex_acc),

    getLastCudaError("classifyVoxel failed");

Thread and Block Indices:

SYCLomatic uses SYCL’s nd_iem to handle thread and block indices, analogous to CUDA’s blockIdx, threadIdx, and blockDim.

uint blockId = sycl::mul24((int)item_ct1.get_group(1), (int)item_ct1.get_group_range(2)) + item_ct2.get_group(2);
uint i = sycl::mul24((int)blockId, (int)item_ct1.get_local_range(2)) + item_ct1.get_local_id(2);

Grid Position Calculation:

The function calcGridPos remains unchanged and works the same way as in CUDA.

sycl::uint3 gridPos = calcGridPos(i, gridSizeShift, gridSizeMask);

Field Value Sampling:

The texture access functions are replaces by SYCL equivalents. sampleVolume is called the same way as in CUDA.

float field[8];
field[0] = sampleVolume(volumeTex, volume, gridPos, gridSize);
field[1] = sampleVolume(volumeTex, volume, gridPos + sycl::uint3(1, 0, 0), gridSize);

Isosurface Classification and Number of Vertices Lookup

The operations for comparing field values and fetching the number of vertices are similar in SYCL.

uint cubeindex;
cubeindex = uint(field[0] < isoValue);
cubeindex += uint(field[1] < isoValue) * 2;
cubeindex += uint(field[2] < isoValue) * 4;
cubeindex += uint(field[3] < isoValue) * 8;
cubeindex += uint(field[4] < isoValue) * 16;
cubeindex += uint(field[5] < isoValue) * 32;
cubeindex += uint(field[6] < isoValue) * 64;
cubeindex += uint(field[7] < isoValue) * 128;
uint numVerts = tex1Dfetch<uint>(numVertsTex, cubeindex);

The code for storing the results and printing remains the same.

Compact Voxels Kernel - CUDA

The compactVoxels kernel is crucial for compacting the voxel arrary by eliminating empty voxels and creating a contiguous array of active voxels.

__global__ void compactVoxels(uint *compactedVoxelArray, uint *voxelOccupied, uint *voxelOccupiedScan,
                                                                              uint numVoxels) {
    uint blockId = __mul24(blockIdx.y, gridDim.x) + blockIdx.x;
    uint i = __mul24(blockId, blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x;

    if (voxelOccupied[i] && (i < numVoxels)) {
        compactedVoxelArray[voxelOccupiedScan[i]] = i;

    if (voxelOccupied[i] && (i < numVoxels)) {
        printf("Compact voxel %u: compactedIndex=%u\n", i, voxelOccupiedScan[i]);

Thread and Block Indices

CUDA organizes threads into blocks and blocks into grids. Each thread has a unique index within its block, and each block has a unique index within the grid.

uint blockId = __mul24(blockIdx.y, gridDim.x) + blockIdx.x;
uint i = __mul24(blockId, blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x;
  • blockIdx.y and blockIdx.x are the block indices in the y and x dimensions of the grid.

  • gridDim.x is the number of blocks in the x dimension.

  • blockDim.x is the number of threads in a block.

  • threadIdx.x is the thread index within the block.

The global thread index i is computed to uniquely identify each thread’s work item.

Compaction Condition: - Each thread checks if the voxel at index i is occupied and if i is within our bounds.

if (voxelOccupied[i] && (i < numVoxels)) {
  • voxelOccupied[i] is a boolean array indicating whether the voxel at index i is occupied.

  • numVoxels is the total number of voxels.

Compaction Operation If the voxel is occupied, the kernel writes the voxel’s index to the compactedVoxelArray at the position specified by voxelOccupiedScan[i].

compactedVoxelArray[voxelOccupiedScan[i]] = i;
  • voxelOccupiedScan is an array that contains the result of the prefix sum operation on voxelOccupied. It provides the position in the compacted array for each occupied voxel.

We again have the kernel print the voxel index and its new compacted index to check this against the SYCL version.

Compact Voxels Kernel - SYCL

This is the output of the above CUDA kernel when put through SYCLomatic.

void compactVoxels(uint *compactedVoxelArray, uint *voxelOccupied, uint *voxelOccupiedScan, uint numVoxels,
                   const sycl::nd_item<3> &item_ct1) {

    uint blockId = sycl::mul24((int)item_ct1.get_group(1), (int)item_ct1.get_group_range(2)) + item_ct1.get_group(2);
    uint i = sycl::mul24((int)blockId, (int)item_ct1.get_local_range(2)) + item_ct1.get_local_id(2);

    if (voxelOccupied[i] && (i < numVoxels)) {
        compactedVoxelArray[voxelOccupiedScan[i]] = i;

    if (voxelOccupied[i] && (i < numVoxels)) {
        printf("Compact voxel %u: compactedIndex=%u\n", i, voxelOccupiedScan[i]);

extern "C" void launch_compactVoxels(sycl::range<3> grid, sycl::range<3> threads, uint *compactedVoxelArray,
                                     uint *voxelOccupied, uint *voxelOccupiedScan, uint numVoxels) {

    dpct::get_in_order_queue().parllel_for(sycl::nd_range<3>(grid * threads, threads),
                                           [=](sycl::nd_item<3> item_ct1) {
        compactVoxels(compactedVoxelArray, voxelOccupied, voxelOccupiedScan, numVoxels, item_ct1);

    getLastCudaError("compactVoxels failed");

Thread and Block Indices

We again see that SYCLomatic uses SYCL’s nd_item to handle thread and block indices, just as CUDA would use blockIdx, threadIdx, and blockDim.

uint blockId = sycl::mul24((int)item_ct1.get_group(1), (int)item_ct1.get_group_range(2)) + item_ct1.get_group(2);
uint i = sycl::mul24((int)blockId, (int)item_ct1.get_local_range(2)) + item_ct1.get_local_id(2);

Compaction Condition and Operation

The compaction condition and operation are directly translated to SYCL, maintaining the same logic as in CUDA.

if (voxelOccupied[i] && (i < numVoxels)) {
    compactedVoxelArray[voxelOccupiedScan[i]] = i;

Kernel Launch

The launch_compactVoxels function in SYCL uses dpct::get_in_order_queue().parallel_for to submit the kernel for execution (talk more about the extern C stuff…)

extern "C" void launch_compactVoxels(sycl::range<3> grid, sycl::range<3> threads, uint *compactedVoxelArray,
                                     uint *voxelOccupied, uint *voxelOccupiedScan, uint numVoxels) {

    dpct::get_in_order_queue().parallel_for(sycl::nd_range<3>(grid * threads, threads),
                                            [=](sycl::nd_item<3> item_ct1) {
        compactVoxels(compactedVoxelArray, voxelOccupied, voxelOccupiedScan, numVoxels, item_ct1);

    getLastCudaError("compactVoxels failed");

Generate Triangles Kernel - CUDA:

The generateTriangles kernel is the heart of the marching cubes algorithm, responsible for generating the actual triangles that form the isosurface. This kernel takes the compacted voxel array and, for each active voxel, generates the necessary vertices and normals for the triangles.

The kernel starts by assigning each thread a unique index i by calculating blockId and multiplying it by the number of threads per block. This index i corresponds to a specific voxel in the compacted voxel array.

__global__ void generateTriangles(float4 *pos, float4 *norm, uint *compactedVoxelArray, uint *numVertsScanned,
                                  uint3 gridSize, uint3 gridSizeShift, uint3 gridSizeMask, float3 voxelSize,
                                  float isoValue, uint activeVoxels, uint maxVerts, cudaTextureObject_t triTex,
                                  cudaTextureObject_t numvertsTex) {

    uint blockId = __mul24(blockIdx.y, gridDim.x) + blockIdx.x;
    uint i = __mul24(blockId, blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x;

    if (i > activeVoxels - 1) {
        i = activeVoxels - 1);

    uint voxel = compactedVoxelArray[i];
    uint3 gridPos = calcGridPos(voxel, gridSizeShift, gridSizeMask);

    float3 p;
    p.x = -1.0f + (gridPos.x * voxelSize.x);
    p.y = -1.0f + (gridPos.y * voxelSize.y);
    p.z = -1.0f + (gridPos.z * voxelSize.z);

    float3 v[8];
    v[0] = p;
    v[1] = p + make_float3(voxelSize.x, 0, 0);
    v[2] = p + make_float3(voxelSize.x, voxelSize.y, 0);
    v[3] = p + make_float3(0, voxelSize.y, 0);
    v[4] = p + make_float3(0, 0, voxelSize.z);
    v[5] = p + make_float3(voxelSize.x, 0, voxelSize.z);
    v[6] = p + make_float3(voxelSize.x, voxelSize.y, voxelSize.z);
    v[7] = p + make_float3(0, voxelSize.y, voxelSize.z);

    float4 field[8];
    field[0] = fieldFunc4(v[0]);
    field[1] = fieldFunc4(v[1]);
    field[2] = fieldFunc4(v[2]);
    field[3] = fieldFunc4(v[3]);
    field[4] = fieldFunc4(v[4]);
    field[5] = fieldFunc4(v[5]);
    field[6] = fieldFunc4(v[6]);
    field[7] = fieldFunc4(v[7]);

    uint cubeindex;
    cubeindex = uint(field[0].w < isoValue);
    cubeindex = uint(field[1].w < isoValue) * 2;
    cubeindex = uint(field[2].w < isoValue) * 4;
    cubeindex = uint(field[3].w < isoValue) * 8;
    cubeindex = uint(field[4].w < isoValue) * 16;
    cubeindex = uint(field[5].w < isoValue) * 32;
    cubeindex = uint(field[6].w < isoValue) * 64;
    cubeindex = uint(field[7].w < isoValue) * 128;

    float3 vertlist[12];
    float3 normlist[12];

    vertexInterp2(isoValue, v[0], v[1], field[0], field[1], vertlist[0], normlist[0]);
    vertexInterp2(isoValue, v[1], v[2], field[1], field[2], vertlist[1], normlist[1]);
    vertexInterp2(isoValue, v[2], v[3], field[2], field[3], vertlist[2], normlist[2]);
    vertexInterp2(isoValue, v[3], v[0], field[3], field[0], vertlist[3], normlist[3]);

    vertexInterp2(isoValue, v[4], v[5], field[4], field[5], vertlist[4], normlist[4]);
    vertexInterp2(isoValue, v[5], v[6], field[5], field[6], vertlist[5], normlist[5]);
    vertexInterp2(isoValue, v[6], v[7], field[6], field[7], vertlist[6], normlist[6]);
    vertexInterp2(isoValue, v[7], v[4], field[7], field[4], vertlist[7], normlist[7]);

    vertexInterp2(isoValue, v[0], v[4], field[0], field[4], vertlist[8], normlist[8]);
    vertexInterp2(isoValue, v[1], v[5], field[1], field[5], vertlist[9], normlist[9]);
    vertexInterp2(isoValue, v[2], v[6], field[2], field[6], vertlist[10], normlist[10]);
    vertexInterp2(isoValue, v[3], v[7], field[3], field[7], vertlist[11], normlist[11]);

    uint numVerts = tex1Dfetch<uint>(numVertsTex, cubeindex);

    for (int i = 0; i < numVerts; i++) {
        uint edge = tex1Dfetch<uint>(triTex, cubeindex * 16 + i);
        uint index = numVertsScanned[voxel] + i;

        if (index < maxVerts) {
            pos[index] = make_float4(vertlist[edge], 1.0f);
            norm[index] = make_float4(normlist[edge], 0.0f);

The first step in the kernel is to calculate the unique index for the thread within the entire grid. This index i is used to fetch the voxel index from the compacted voxel array.

The kernel then computes the 3D grid position of the voxel using the calcGridPos function. This 3D position is necessary to determine the coordinates of the voxel’s corners in the volume.

The positions of the voxel’s eight corners are calculated relative to the 3D grid position and the voxel size. These positions are stored in the v array.

Next, the field values at these eight corners are evaluated using the fieldFunc4 function, which returns both the field value and its gradient at each corner. These values are stored in the field array.

The cubeindex is then calcualted by comparing each field value to the isovalue. The cubeindex is a unique identifier representing the classification of the voxel based on the isovalue.

The vertices where the isosurface intersects the cube edges are computed using the vertexInterp2 function. This function interpolates the positions and normals of the vertices along the edges of the cube. These vertices are stored in the vertlist and normlist arrays, respectively.

The number of vertiecs for the given cubeindex is fetched from the numVertsTex texture. This value indicates how many verties are needed to form the triangles for this voxel.

Finally, the kerne. iterates over the required number of vertices, fetching the corresponding edge indices from the triTex texture. It then writes the positions and normals of these verties to the output arrays pos and norm.

Generate Triangles Kernel - SYCL:

When we use SYCLomatic to convert the above into SYCL, the generateTriangles kernel retains the same logic but adapts to the SYCL programming model. Here is the output:

void generateTriangles(float4 *pos, float4 *norm, uint *compactedVoxelArray, uint *numVertsScanned,
                       sycl::uint3 gridSize, sycl::uint3 gridSizeShift, sycl::uint3 gridSizeMask,
                       sycl::float3 voxelSize, float isoValue, uint activeVoxels, uint maxVerts,
                       dpct::image_accessor_ext<dpct_placeholder /* Fix this manually */, 1> triTex,
                       dpct::image_accessor_ext<dpct_placeholder /* Fix this manually */, 1> numVertsTex,
                       const sycl::nd_item<3> &item_ct1) {

    uint blockId = sycl::mul24((int)item_ct1.get_group(1), (int)item_ct1.get_group_range(2)) + item_ct1.get_group(2);
    uint i = sycl::mul24((int)blockId, (int)item_ct1.get_local_range(2)) + item_Ct1.get_local_id(2);

    if (i > activeVoxels - 1) {
        i = activeVoxels - 1;

    uint voxel = compactedVoxelArray[i];
    sycl::uint3 gridPos = calcGridPos(voxel, gridSizeShift, gridSizeMask);

    sycl::float3 p;
    p.x = -1.0f + (gridPos.x * voxelSize.x);
    p.y = -1.0f + (gridPos.y * voxelSize.y);
    p.z = -1.0f + (gridPos.z * voxelSize.z);

    sycl::float3 v[8];
    v[0] = p;
    v[1] = p + sycl::float3(voxelSize.x, 0, 0);
    v[2] = p + sycl::float3(voxelSize.x, voxelSize.y, 0);
    v[3] = p + sycl::float3(0, voxelSize.y, 0);
    v[4] = p + sycl::float3(0, 0, voxelSize.z);
    v[5] = p + sycl::float3(voxelSize.x, 0, voxelSize.z);
    v[6] = p + sycl::float3(voxelSize.x, voxelSize.y, voxelSize.z);
    v[7] = p + sycl::float3(0, voxelSize.y, voxelSize.z);

    sycl::float4 field[8];
    field[0] = fieldFunc4(v[0]);
    field[1] = fieldFunc4(v[1]);
    field[2] = fieldFunc4(v[2]);
    field[3] = fieldFunc4(v[3]);
    field[4] = fieldFunc4(v[4]);
    field[5] = fieldFunc4(v[5]);
    field[6] = fieldFunc4(v[6]);
    field[7] = fieldFunc4(v[7]);

    uint cubeindex;
    cubeindex = uint(field[0].w < isoValue);
    cubeindex += uint(field[1].w < isoValue) * 2;
    cubeindex += uint(field[2].w < isoValue) * 4;
    cubeindex += uint(field[3].w < isoValue) * 8;
    cubeindex += uint(field[4].w < isoValue) * 16;
    cubeindex += uint(field[5].w < isoValue) * 32;
    cubeindex += uint(field[6].w < isoValue) * 64;
    cubeindex += uint(field[7].w < isoValue) * 128;

    sycl::float3 vertlist[12];
    sycl::float3 normlist[12];

    vertexInterp2(isoValue, v[0], v[1], field[0], field[1], vertlist[0], normlist[0]);
    vertexInterp2(isoValue, v[1], v[2], field[1], field[2], vertlist[1], normlist[1]);
    vertexInterp2(isoValue, v[2], v[3], field[2], field[3], vertlist[2], normlist[2]);
    vertexInterp2(isoValue, v[3], v[0], field[3], field[0], vertlist[3], normlist[3]);

    vertexInterp2(isoValue, v[4], v[5], field[4], field[5], vertlist[4], normlist[4]);
    vertexInterp2(isoValue, v[5], v[6], field[5], field[6], vertlist[5], normlist[5]);
    vertexInterp2(isoValue, v[6], v[7], field[6], field[7], vertlist[6], normlist[6]);
    vertexInterp2(isoValue, v[7], v[4], field[7], field[4], vertlist[7], normlist[7]);

    vertexInterp2(isoValue, v[0], v[4], field[0], field[4], vertlist[8], normlist[8]);
    vertexInterp2(isoValue, v[1], v[5], field[1], field[5], vertlist[9], normlist[9]);
    vertexInterp2(isoValue, v[2], v[6], field[2], field[6], vertlist[10], normlist[10]);
    vertexInterp2(isoValue, v[3], v[7], field[3], field[7], vertlist[11], normlist[11]);

    uint numVerts = tex1Dfeth<uint>(numVertsTex, cubeindex);

    for (int i = 0; i < numVerts; i++) {
        uint edge = tex1Dfetch<uint>(triTex, cubeindex * 16 + i);
        uint index = numVertsScanned[voxel] + i;

        if (index < maxVerts) {
            pos[index] = make_float4(vertlist[edge], 1.0f);
            norm[index] = make_float4(normlist[edge], 0.0f);

extern "C" void launch_generateTriangles(sycl::range<3> grid, sycl::range<3> threads, float4 *pos, float4 *norm,
                                         uint *compactedVoxelArray, uint *numVertsScanned, sycl::uint3 gridSize,
                                         sycl::uint3 gridSizeShift, sycl::uint3 gridSizeMask, sycl::float3 voxelSize,
                                         float isoValue, uint activeVoxels, uint maxVerts) {

    dpct::get_in_order_queue().submit([&](sycl::handler &cgh) {
        auto triTex_acc = static_cast<dpct::image_wrapper<
            dpct_placeholder /* Fix this manually */, 1> *>(triTex) -> get_access(cgh);
        auto numVertsTex_acc = static_cast<dpct::image_wrapper<
            dpct_placeholder /* Fix this manually */, 1> *>(numVertsTex) -> get_access(cgh);

        auto triTex_smpl = triTex -> get_sampler();
        auto numVertsTex_smpl = numVertsTex -> get_sampler();

        cgh.parallel_for(sycl::nd_range<3>(grid * threads, threads), [=](sycl::nd_item<3> item_ct1) {
                pos, norm, compactedVoxelArray, numVertsScanned, gridSize, gridSizeShift, gridSizeMask,
                voxelSize, isoValue, activeVoxels, maxVerts,
                dpct::image_accessor_ext<dpct_placeholder /* Fix this manually */, 1>(triTex_smpl, triTex_acc),
                dpct::image_accessor_ext<dpct_placeholder /* Fix this manually */, 1>(
                    numVertsTex_smpl, numVertsTex_acc),

    getLastCudaError("generateTriangles failed");

In SYCL, the logi of the kernel remains the same, but the API calls and syntax are changed to be compatible with the SYCL framework. The use of dpct::image_accessor_ext for texture accesses and sycl::nd_item for thread and block indices are notable chagnes. (MORE ON THIS SECTION LATER)

Use of Thrust Library in CUDA Implementation:

Understanding Prefix Sum Operations

Beofre diving into how the Thrust library is used in the CUDA implementation, it is essential to understand what prefix sum operations are and why they are crucial in parallel algorithms.

What is a Prefix Sum?

A prefix sum, also known as a scan operation, is an operation that takes an input array and produces an output array were each element at index i is the sum of all the elements from the start of the input array up to, but not including, the element at index i. In mathematical terms, given an input array A, the prefix sum array B is defined as:

\[B[i] = \sum_{j=0}^{i} A[j]\]

For example, if the input array A is:


then the prefix sum array B would be:


Here, B[0] is 0 because there are no elements before the first element of A, B[1] is 3 which is just A[0], B[2] is 4 which is A[0] + A[1], and so on.

Prefix sums are a fundamental building block in parallel algorithms. They are used in a variety of applications such as stream compaction, sorting, and building data structures like histograms and cumulative distributions. The prefix sum operation is inherently parallelizable because each element in the output array can be computed independently once the partial sums are known.

In our marching cubes algorithm, the prefix sum operation is used to compact the voxel array. After classifying the voxels, we need to know how many voxels are occupied up to each point in the array to efficiently generate the triangles. This is where the prefix sum comes into play.

After classifying each voxel as occupied or empty, we have an array voxelOccupied where each element is a flag indicating whether a voxel is occupied. We need to compact this array to remove the empty voxels and create a contiguous array of occupied voxels. The prerfix sum operation on the voxelOccupied array allows us to achieve this.

Using the prefix sum operation on the voxelOccupied array results in the voxelOccupiedScan array. This array contains the running total of occupied voxels up to each point. By using this array, we can determine the position of each occupied voxel in the compacted array.

Using Thrust in the CUDA Implementation

Thrust is a parlalel algorithms library in CUDA that resembes the C++ Standard Template Library (STL). It provides a collection of data parallel primitives such as scan, sort, and reduce. Thrust is highly optimized for performance on NVIDIA GPUs by taking advanatge of CUDA underneath the hood.

The ThrustScanWrapper function encapsulates the Thrust scan operation - remember, scan is just another name for prefix sum. It uses the thrust::exclusize_scan function to compute the prefix sum.

extern "C" void ThrustScanWrapper(unsigned int *output, unsigned int *input, unsigned int numElements) {
    thrust::exclusive_scan(thrust::device_ptr<unsigned int>(input),
                           thrust::device_ptr<unsigned int>(input + numElements),
                           thrust::device_ptr<unsigned int>(output));

The thrust::exclusize_scan function takes three parameters: the beginning of the input range, the end of the input range, and the beginning of the output range. It computes the prefix sum of the input range and stores the result in the output range. The exclusive scan means that the sum at each position does not include the element at that position, which aligns with the traditional definition of prefix sums.

In the computeIsosurface function, after classifying the voxels, a scan operation is performed on the voxelOccupied array. Remember, this array contains flags indicating whether each voxel is occupied. The scan operation computes the prefix sum of this array, which results in the voxelOccupiedScan array, which tells us how many occupied voxels there are up to each position.

ThrustScanWrapper(d_voxelOccupiedScan, d_voxelOccupied, numVoxels);

Thre prefix sum operation is crucial for the compaction step. It allows us to create a compact array of occupied voxels, eliminating the empty ones. This compact array is then used in the generateTriangles kernel to efficiently generate the triangles for the isosurface.

Use oneDPL (Thrust Equivalent) in SYCL:

oneDPL (oneAPI DPC++ Library) serves as the SYCL equivalent to CUDA’s Thrust library. Both libraries offer high-level abstractions for parallel algorithms and data structures. In our marching cubes algorithms, oneDPL can be used to perform the prefix sum (scan) oeprations, which, we know from above, are crucial for stream compaction and calculating the number of vertices.

The dpct::device_ext::exclusive_scan function is used to perform the prefix sum operation in SYCL. SYCLomatic helps convert Thrust-based code to oneDPL-based code, although, just as with our kernels, some manual adjustments may be required.

For example, the converted prefix sum operation using oneDPL might look like this:

#include <oneapi/dpl/execution>
#include <oneapi/dpl/algorithm>

void oneDPLScanWrapper(unsigned int *output, unsigned int *input, unsigned int numElements, sycl::queue &q) {
                                input, input + numElements, output);

In this example, oneapi::dpl::exclusive_scan performs the exclusive prefix sum operation, similar to Thrust. The oneapi::dpl::execution::make_device_policy function creates a device policy for the queue, ensuring that the operation is execued on the appropirate device.